
Julia Gibby

Senior Solicitor

Key administrative prison bodies

Sentence Management Division

The Sentence Management Division provides a centralised system for the individual assessment of prisoners, including the development of a sentence plan that includes the prisoner’s security rating, their placement location, and their program needs.

Sentence Management Panel

The Sentence Management Panel reviews all remand and sentenced prisoners to determine appropriate security classification and prison placement.

Case Management Review Committee

The Case Management Review Committee (CMRC) monitors and reviews prisoners’ progress during the course of their sentence. This includes monitoring and reviewing prisoners’ security classification and placement within the prison. 

This monitoring is necessary as prisoners may be transferred several times during their sentence. Also, the general principle is that most prisoners work their way down the security ratings during their sentence, down to a minimum security rating before being released. This allows them to prepare to be reintegrated into the community.

The CMRC also uses a multidisciplinary team approach to facilitate local plans, facilitate prisoners’ transitions into and out of locations, monitor progress towards their goals, and resolve prisoners’ concerns.

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