Queries about your credit report
Last updated
If you have a query about your credit report, or wish to obtain a copy of your credit report, contact Equifax, Experian or Illion:
Equifax (previously called Veda Advantage)
Tel: 13 83 32
Web: https://www.equifax.com.au/personal/
Tel: 1300 783 684
Email: creditreport@au.experian.com
Web: www.experian.com.au
Illion (previously called Dun & Bradstreet)
Tel: 1300 734 806
Email: pac.austral@illion.com.au
Web: www.creditcheck.illion.com.au
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is responsible for regulating consumer credit. To contact ASIC:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
Level 7, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000
Tel: 1300 300 630
Web: https://asic.gov.au; www.moneysmart.gov.au