
Shifrah Blustein

Lawyer, WestJustice

Hannah Lewis

Principal Lawyer, Justice Connect

Jasmine Ali

Lawyer, Victoria Legal Aid

Are the fines still outstanding?

Time limits

The infringements system sets time limits after which no further action can be taken against you. These limits vary according to the stage the matter has reached in the infringements process. Where an infringement notice has been issued, the time limit is six months from the offence, or from the time when you last made a payment of part of the fine.

If, within that time, the matter has not been registered with Fines Victoria and a summons has not been issued for you to appear in court, the enforcement agency cannot make you pay the penalty.

If you are being pursued to pay old fines, check on these time limits; you may no longer be required to pay the debt. If you believe this is the case, seek advice from a financial counsellor (see Chapter 5.4) or legal service (see Chapter 2.4) to help you argue your case with the enforcement agency or Fines Victoria.

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Fines, infringements and criminal law