
David Niven

Legal Consultant

Where to get help with a credit matter

Last updated

1 July 2022

Consumer Action Law Centre

If you need advice about a credit or consumer matter, contact the Consumer Action Law Centre (CALC).

CALC is Australia’s largest specialist consumer legal practice, employing a team of solicitors with expertise in consumer litigation and dispute reso­lution. Its legal practice aims to achieve redress for low-income, vulnerable and disadvantaged consumers in Victoria who have suffered loss in any one of a variety of consumer law disputes.

National Debt Helpline

If you are unsure whether credit is a good option for you, or you are having difficulty with debt, contact a free financial counselling service, such as the National Debt Helpline (tel: 1800 007 007).

Financial counsellors

For information about financial counsellors, see Chapter 5.4: Financial counselling services.

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