Victims of family violence can seek protection via an intervention order. Police can also seek intervention orders without a victim’s consent. Orders can prohibit a variety of actions by a perpetrator. Injunctions or restraining orders also have a role to play. Refuges and Centrelink can all help protect victims.

Trigger warning

Please note this chapter (and pages it links to) contains information about family violence that may be triggering to family violence survivors.


Renata Alexander


Compensation for family violence survivors

Last updated

1 July 2022

Civil claims for damages

If a person who has experienced family violence has suffered substantial injury (usually serious physical injury), it is possible to institute civil proceedings for damages against the perpetrator in the state courts.

However, this is a costly, lengthy and risky process that requires expert legal advice. Also, time limits apply for initiating civil proceedings.

Compensation through VOCAT

The most accessible source of monetary compensation is from the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT), which operates in the Magistrates’ Court under the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 1996 (Vic).

VOCAT provides financial assistance to those who have experienced violent crime committed in Victoria. VOCAT compensates people for expenses incurred, or reasonably likely to be incurred, as a direct result of the crime (e.g. medical, safety related and funeral expenses, and lost earnings). 

There are different prescribed categories of ‘victim’ and different types of benefits and entitlements that can be claimed. For example, a person who has experienced family violence can seek compensation for expenses, and also special financial assistance for pain and suffering. This is a complicated area, and it is important to obtain legal advice.

For more information, see Chapter 10.6: Assistance for victims of crime.

Compensation under the Sentencing Act 1991 (Vic)

Under section 85B of the Sentencing Act 1991 (Vic), it is possible to obtain an order for compensation against the perpetrator in a state court if they are found guilty or convicted of a criminal offence. You should seek legal advice about this course of action.

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