There are many finance products available to help you acquire the things you may need in everyday life; for example, a mortgage to purchase your home, a personal loan to buy a car, and a consumer lease that allows you to hire household goods.

However, there are strict laws governing finance products and not all finance products on the market are legal. If you are unsure about a finance product, contact Consumer Affairs Victoria on 1300 558 181.


Nicholas Anderson

Senior Solicitor, Consumer Action Law Centre

Mortgages, consumer leases and other finance products: Contacts

Consumer Action Law Centre (CALC)
Tel (consumer legal advice line): 1800 466 477 (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 am to 1 pm)
Tel (Koori help line): 1800 574 457 (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 am to 1 pm)
Web (online legal help):

National Debt Helpline
Tel: 1800 007 007

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