Stand up for justice and donate today.
For over fifty years, Fitzroy Legal Service has been fearless and feisty standing in solidarity with those who face discrimination, stigma and unfair barriers to justice.
But we can't do it alone. By making a tax deductible donation today, you'll ensure that more people in our community have somewhere to turn when they need it most.
Fitzroy Legal Service is a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) with all donations of $2 or more tax deductible in Australia and GST free. Your support will help us:
Stand up for justice and join us creating a fairer society.
You can also choose to leave a lasting legacy through a gift in your will. Our Fitzroy Legal Service Fund is managed independently and securely via the Inner North Community Foundation to ensure we thrive well into the future and champion justice in the years to come.
A gift in your will is an opportunity to ensure Fitzroy Legal Service remains sustainable and independent for years to come. Through the Inner North Community Foundation’s model, donations of all sizes are pooled in order to grow a perpetual investment that supports Fitzroy Legal Service make a difference in the lives of local people.
Leave a legacyThere are many ways your and your organisation can support Fitzroy Legal Service to provide access to justice. You can fundraise for us and discuss corporate partnerships through workplace giving, matched giving appeals, fellowships or secondments. To discuss these opportunities and more, contact Fitzroy Legal Service fundraising via
Fitzroy Legal Service is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible in Australia and are GST free. A tax receipt will be emailed to you automatically at the time you donate. 100% of the funds you donate will be used to fulfil the purposes of the fund.
We use GiveNow to support our donation form, and process payments via the secure payment gateway, Stripe. The GiveNow form includes an optional fee to help cover our processing costs, which you may choose to contribute to. You will receive a tax receipt for each payment including for regular donations.
We respect your privacy and we are committed to ensuring the privacy of any information you put on this website. We collect only the necessary information to process your donation. Please read our privacy policy for more information.
As part of our commitment to supporters, donors who generously contribute more than $1,500 will be thanked in our annual report. You can read our full privacy policy.
For large donations, we encourage you to contact us to avoid some online transaction fees. Contact us 0420 311 288 or via email at
You can also cancel your regular donation at any time by requesting this in writing by emailing
Yes. You can also leave a gift in your will, run a community fundraiser or discuss corporate partnerships for workplace giving, fellowships or secondments. You can also consider becoming an FLS member, volunteer or offering pro bono support.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Yes. You can donate via phone by calling us on 0420 311 288. You can also make a donation by bank transfer using the details below. Please use your name or organisation name as a reference. If you make a donation by bank transfer, please email to let us know so we can send you a tax receipt.
Account Name: Fitzroy Legal Service
BSB: 063212
Account Number: 10013675
The Fitzroy Legal Service Inc. is a membership based organisation. To apply to become a member you need to pay the relevant subscription fee. Become a member of FLS today.