Q+Law is a proud partnership of Fitzroy Legal Service and Queerspace, supported by the Victorian Government.
Q+Law provides a free state-wide safe entry point to accessing legal assistance for all individuals who identify as part of LGBTIQA+ communities. Individuals identifying as LGBTIQA+ can contact our service for initial advice, information or referral. Our service is available over the phone, online or in person.
Located at the Victorian Pride Centre we outreach with our partners at Queerspace and Your Community Health. See details below.
Q+Law also provide ongoing legal assistance and representation on a case-by-case basis. We prioritise assistance according to our expertise and community demand.
If your enquiry falls outside the scope of our service, Q+ Law we will endeavour to provide you with a referral to a safe and specialist service that can meet your legal needs.
Find out about the difference between legal advice and legal representation here.
Q+Law can provide referrals to other community legal centres, private law firms, and other community services that offer safe and inclusive services to the LGBTIQA+ community.
If you need immediate legal help, contact Victoria Legal Aid on 1300 792 387. You can also see if you are eligible for private legal help through Justice Connect.
Phone translation services for languages other than English are available. Please call TIS National on 131 450 and ask them to call us.
Alternatively, please email qlawadmin@fls.org.au with the language you speak and the number you would like us to call you on, and we will call you with an interpreter during business hours.
Community professionals are welcome to contact us about legal issues or to make referrals. For either of these matters, please call us on (03) 9968 1002 or email qlawadmin@fls.org.au
Stay tuned for more information about forthcoming professional legal education opportunities and community resources.
Q+Law considers requests for training to the legal assistance sector and other services on the legal issues that impact the LGBTIQA+ community. For more information, please get in touch.
The Governance Group provides community-led and lived experience oversight of Q+Law and ensures the intersectional voices of LGBTIQA+ communities inform the service development of the service.
We're a proudly inclusive team dedicated to upholding the legal rights and wellbeing of Victoria’s LGBTIQA+ community. View the full Q+Law team.
(03) 9968 1002Visit their website
Victorian Pride CentreBe treated with respect and courtesy at all times, have your right to confidentiality respected at all times, make a complaint against any Q+Law staff or volunteer if you believe that you have not been treated appropriately, a referral when we are not able to assist, and access to an interpreter if required.
Treat our staff and volunteers with respect and courtesy at all times, not swear at, abuse or threaten staff, volunteers or other clients, not to damage our property, not to use alcohol or illegal drugs whilst on our premises, and not enter the work or office areas unless accompanied by a staff member or volunteer.
We reserve the right to refuse to provide assistance to any client who does not comply with this Charter. You may be asked to leave our premises and return at another time. We may take steps to make sure that you leave when asked to do so. We may withdraw our service to you in the future.
We have chosen to use the umbrella title of LGBTIQA+ in relation to our service, however we wish to acknowledge that we respect everyone’s right to freely identify and affirm their sexual or romantic orientation and gender identity, including terms such as lesbian, gay, transgender, non-binary, gender diverse, genderqueer, queer, aromantic, asexual, bisexual, pansexual, sistergirls and brotherboys.
We support the rights of people born with intersex variations to be free from discrimination and mistreatment on the basis of their sex characteristics.
If you want to make a complaint, you may do so to the relevant Principal Lawyer of the service the complaint relates to. If the complaint is about:
Upon request, a staff member of FLS will provide you with our complaint form.
Written complaints may be sent to PO Box 297, Fitzroy 3065 or via email to qlawadmin@fls.org.au. Administration staff will be responsible for receiving this correspondence and directing it to the appropriate person.