Access to our legal support services is via one of our outreach partners or through booking an initial appointment by calling (03) 9419 3744. Unfortunately, we are not always able to assist everyone, assistance provided is subject to capacity of our lawyers and eligibility criteria.
We provide legal assistance in relation to family violence via outreach to a number of different locations within the City of Yarra.
Our drug outreach lawyers assist individuals with legal problems related to alcohol and drug use. In line with the holistic approach of the program, the lawyers work closely and collaboratively with members of the community and relevant heath agencies to promote and focus on harm minimisation and areas of high need. Program partners across City of Yarra and City of Darebin include YSAS (Youth Support and Advocacy Service), Living Room, Inner Space, North Richmond Community Health, Odyssey House Victoria and Uniting Care ReGen.
Specialist family law parenting matters advice and representation for City of Darebin residents.
Our lawyers can provide legal representation to people who are charged with a summary or indictable criminal offence or are respondents in relation to a family violence intervention order if they are eligible for a grant of legal aid, or are able to pay for representation.
Our fees are designed to assist clients ineligible for legal aid and reflect our role as a community legal resource, meaning we are able to assist people that might not be able to afford representation from a private law firm. We work out how much your case will cost based on the work that must be done in accordance with your instructions.
Family Law Property & Parenting Practice: We provide legal representation for family law property and/or parenting matters to people who are eligible for a grant of legal aid or are able to pay for representation. Our fees are designed to assist clients ineligible for legal aid and reflect our role as a community legal resource. We work out how much your case will cost based on the work that must be done in accordance with your instructions.
Our Migrant Employment Law Clinic is open to people from overseas who have been underpaid or exploited in employment, including: International students (500 visas); People on working holidays (417 and 462 ‘backpacker’ visas); Workers invited to Australia through the Temporary Skills Shortage program (TSS visas); and Refugee and humanitarian visa-holders. We can assist with: Recovery of unpaid wages and entitlements; Advice about correct rates of pay; Unpaid training; Unauthorised deductions from pay; Unfair dismissals and breach of general protections laws; Sham contracting; Workplace bullying; Workplace injuries; and Workplace discrimination. We cannot advise on immigration law. If you would like assistance from the Migrant Employment Law Clinic, please make an enquiry for our legal advice night service for initial advice and consultation.
Our lawyers can provide legal assistance for vulnerable people affected by tenancy, debt and employment issues impacted by the COVID pandemic.
Our lawyers can provide generalist legal assistance for a range of legal issues including tenancy, crime, VOCAT, infringements and social security appeals. The service assists people in the City of Darebin and City of Yarra and has a focus on young people, people with disabilities and people from CALD and newly arrived communities. Current outreach partners of the service are Northland Youth Hub and East Preston Community Centre. Casework representation is not always able to be offered due to limited resources.
Our Divorce Clinic provides assistance for individuals who cannot access the divorce application processes due to low English proficiency and/or low computer literacy
Our lawyers can provide assistance to victims/survivors of family violence with small scale property pools who would otherwise not have access to legal assistance or would forfeit the majority of their settlement on legal fees
This program assists people in the Cities of Yarra and Darebin who otherwise have limited access to legal support due to health, social or economic systemic disadvantage or acute adverse impacts of COVID-19 through an outreach model, in partnership with St Vincent’s Hospital’s Health Independence Program
Our lawyers provide skilled and women-specific legal representation integrated with assertive outreach support to assist women address the interrelated and gendered drivers of their criminalisation.